Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli on Friday inspected a station for gas-powered and electric buses that will room Sharm El-Sheikh during the the upcoming United Nations Conference of Parties on Climate Change (COP27), to be chaired and hosted by Egypt in November.
The premier is currently on a visit to the Red Sea resort city to follow up on the preparations for hosting the COP27.
Madbouli was accompanied by the ministers of environment, housing, civil aviation and tourism, as well as South Sinai governor and his deputy.
South Sinai governor’s deputy explained that around 50 electric buses and 85 gas-powered buses will be available to serve the participants in the COP27.
The prime minister also inspected a number of bicycles that will be ready for use in the city during the UN climate change conference.
Afterwards, Madbouli headed to Saint Catherine’s city to check on the progress made in a number of development projects.
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