Fashion Designer Masaba Gupta surprised her fans when she announced on social media about her wedding to her boyfriend, actor Satyadeep Mishra. Recently, pastry chef Pooja Dhingra took to her Instagram and shared a video about a party organised by the couple on the occasion of their wedding.
The post reads, “It’s always the hardest to make something for the people you love so dearly. Congratulations Masaba and Satyadeep – to a lifetime of happiness, laughter, food and obviously CAKE! Love you guys (with heart emoji).”
Check it out here:
The video features Masaba and Satyadeep’s three-tier white wedding cake that is decorated with intricate royal-style designs with white frosting and flowers.
It also shows Masaba and Satyadeep cutting the cake among their friends and family. Additionally, it shows Masaba’s mother actress Neena Gupta and her father Vivian Richards giving their wishes and making a toast for the couple.
On January 27, Masaba took to Instagram and shared about her wedding with actor Satyadeep Mishra. In the picture, the duo were seen in a pastel-coloured dreamy ensemble. Sharing a heartwarming note, she stated, “Married my ocean of calm, this morning. Here’s to many many lifetimes of love, peace, stability & most importantly laughter. And thanks for letting me pick the caption – this is gonna be great!”
Masaba met Satyadeep on the sets of her show Masaba Masaba and have been dating since then.
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