Mobile E-Commerce is the future of retail. From smartphones to tablets, consumers are turning to mobile for their shopping needs. Here are five statistics that prove e-commerce is taking over brick-and-mortar shopping. The growth of mobile e-commerce has been exponential in the past few years. With more than a billion mobile users and a growing number of mobile transactions each year, it’s clear that mobile e-commerce is here to stay. If you’re wondering how this transformation will affect your business, read on for insight into marketing strategies and ways to drive revenue from this channel.
Consumers are buying more and more
Since the start of the e-commerce revolution, consumer spending on all digital channels has grown at a rapid pace. In 2017, U.S. consumers spent $209.8 billion on digital channels, up from $102 billion in 2009. And this is expected to increase in the coming years. Businesses that fail to adapt risk losing customers and revenue from this channel.
Digital wallet usage is on the rise
With the growth of e-commerce comes the need for secure payment channels for consumers to use when making purchases online. Consumers are looking for secure ways to buy, and digital wallets are becoming increasingly popular. A recent study found that roughly 50% of U.S. consumers have used a digital wallet to make a purchase online, but usage is expected to increase significantly in the coming years.
Consumers have a variety of reasons for choosing a digital wallet, including making online purchases, accessing online services, and paying bills. Digital wallets are particularly useful for those who frequently shop online, as they provide a convenient way to pay for their purchases.
Consumers are adopting pay-with-mobile platforms
Mobile commerce solutions are helping consumers engage with e-commerce in new ways. Now, more than ever, consumers are looking for ways to engage with brands on mobile. And with the rise of mobile commerce comes the need for solutions that can accommodate these preferences. With the adoption of smartphones and tablets, consumers now have a variety of devices on which to shop. But not all of them are equipped to make purchases with a device. In order to accommodate these users, mobile commerce platforms are incorporating features such as app-only purchasing.
This feature allows consumers to make purchases through an app, with the option of accessing the product without having to share any personal data or make a purchase with a new account. By expanding functionality with these features, platforms can provide a robust shopping experience on mobile devices.
Video is the new audio for shopping online
Video is quickly becoming the new audio for online shopping. In fact, more than 50% of consumers say they prefer to shop online by watching product demos rather than reading reviews or descriptions on Amazon. This preference is likely due to the fact that consumers often cannot try products before purchasing them. When browsing online, consumers are able to see and try products in real-time, with no risk of purchasing the wrong item. But when shopping offline, consumers are at risk of receiving the wrong item.
With video, however, consumers can see the product in action and make an informed purchase. This preference is further demonstrated by the fact that one-third of online shoppers say they’d prefer to shop online but are just too busy to visit a brick-and-mortar store. Video solves this issue by providing an immersive shopping experience that could increase online sales in the future.
Consumers are using VPNs to secure their data
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are a growing trend among e-commerce consumers to help keep their data secure while browsing online. VPNs allow users to anonymously connect to a network and hide their data by encrypting it and sending it through an intermediary server. This trend could be the result of recent news about data breaches and the ease of using VPNs. For example, in March 2018, it was reported that a major credit bureau, Equifax, was hacked resulting in the disclosure of millions of people’s personal data.
To prevent such data breaches in the future, consumers are increasingly turning to VPNs, which help to hide users’ activity on the internet. These data security features could increase as mobile adoption continues to grow, as mobile usage is on the rise and is increasingly used for e-commerce. In fact, more than half of online shoppers report they made purchases on their mobile devices in 2017. This trend is expected to increase even more in the coming years, making VPNs a growing trend in e-commerce.
Store loyalty cards are an effective marketing strategy
Store loyalty cards are a great way to drive traffic to your store. In fact, nearly half of U.S. consumers have used a loyalty card to make a purchase. Loyalty cards are particularly effective when used offline. Consumers who have used a card at a store are much more likely to use another card at that same store compared with those who have never been offered a card.
This means that card-driven marketing can be an effective strategy for building a strong brand. In addition to increasing brand awareness, card-driven marketing can also be an effective way to drive traffic to your store. This is because those who have used a card are more likely to browse other stores, meaning that card-driven marketing provides a natural way to drive foot traffic.
The future of retail looks bright for consumers, with more options than ever before. Consumers have more choices when it comes to where they can shop, and they have access to a growing number of online retailers. The good news is that consumers are becoming increasingly comfortable shopping on their mobile devices, and they’re looking for ways to secure their data while browsing online. And with the rise of digital wallets, including mobile payments, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of data security when shopping online.
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