Shah Rukh Khan has largely stayed away from the media in 2023. Even for Pathaan, he just did a press conference after the success of the movie. But now he has done a small segment for IMDB. Shah Rukh Khan has answered a few questions. He was asked about his bald look in Jawan. The superstar said that he agreed for it, as it meant he could be lazy, and not do makeup for a couple of hours every day. Shah Rukh Khan said the look was part of a get-up, and his friends did not have a great response on the same.
Shah Rukh Khan on girls not liking the bald look
Shah Rukh Khan said that his friends found it ‘scary’. They also told him that the girls will not like it. The superstar said that he hoped that girls/women would like him. He jokingly said that he likes bald girls. As we know, girls love the hair of Shah Rukh Khan. As per many, he has the best hair in Bollywood in male heroes. The superstar also had a wonderful reply when he was asked how would he describe his legacy to someone who was unfamiliar with his body of work. Shah Rukh Khan humbly said that he would say he is someone who tried very hard, and would continue to do so.
Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan looks a craze
Fans of the star have turned up at theatres in the bandage look. We can see little kids with the look as well. The actor is personally responding to the posts around the look of Jawan. Here are some instances of it…
Thank u Chota Jawan!!! Teach him the Zinda Banda steps na!!? Ha ha … love u
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 14, 2023
Ufff couldn’t have done it better myself…. Thank u my little #Jawan!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 14, 2023
Thank u my little #Jawan!!! He definitely looks the part… my love to Kashipur!!!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 13, 2023
Shah Rukh Khan also said that he believes the best way to stay young at heart is to drive away cynicism. The superstar said that one must have a pure heart that thinks well for others. He said that kindness and compassion go a long way in maintaining emotional well-being.
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