Welcome to LAWG’s Migration News Brief, a compilation of recent top articles and reports related to issues of U.S. immigration and enforcement policy and migration from Central America and Mexico.
US Enforcement
Visita de Antony Blinken abordará temas migratorios y fentanilo
Enrique Sánchez, Excelsior, 4 de octubre de 2023
“Este miércoles por la tarde llegará a México la delegación de funcionarios de los Estados Unidos, encabezada por el secretario de Estado, Antony Blinken, el fiscal general Merrick Garland y el secretario de Seguridad Interior, Alejandro Mayorkas, para participar en la Reunión de Alto Nivel en materia de Seguridad junto a sus contrapartes mexicanas en Palacio Nacional en un encuentro con el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador”.
Eric Adams to discourage immigration to U.S. in visit to Latin America
CBS News, October 4, 2023
“New York City Mayor Eric Adams will visit parts of Latin America to discourage people from seeking asylum in the U.S. and traveling to the city. New York has stressed its shelters are overwhelmed by the almost 120,000 migrants that have arrived in the city over the last year. CBS News immigration reporter Camilo Montoya-Galvez has more.”
A three-month wait: New US immigration plan marred by secrecy and uncertainty
Jules Ownby, El País English, October 2, 2023
“Secret offices, weeks of waiting, calls from private numbers and confidentiality agreements. These are some of the features of the new U.S. immigration program known as Movibilidad Segura, or Safe Mobility, which pursues “the expansion of legal routes to the United States or other countries for refugees and migrants in South and Central America,” according to its official website. The United States launched the program in June with the aim of “reducing irregular migration,” and established migration offices in Colombia, Costa Rica and Guatemala.”
Unlawful border crossings hit high for the year with over 200,000 apprehensions in September
Priscilla Alvarez, CNN, October 2, 2023
“Border Patrol apprehended more than 200,000 migrants crossing the US-Mexico border unlawfully in September, according to a Homeland Security official, marking the highest total this year and underscoring the ongoing challenges for the Biden administration amid mass migration in the region.”
More refugees to come from Latin America, Caribbean under Biden’s new 125,000 refugee cap
Rebecca Santana, Associated Press, September 29, 2023
“As the number of migrants coming to the U.S.’s southern border is climbing, the Biden administration aims to admit more refugees from Latin America and the Caribbean over the next year. The White House Friday released the targets for how many refugees it aims to admit over the next fiscal year starting October 1 and from what regions of the world. The total is 125,000 — the same as this year.”
Local nonprofits say families are being separated at US-Mexico border
Laura Avecedo, ABC News, September 28, 2023
“The street releases of asylum seekers continue in San Diego, but now some local nonprofits say they’re facing a new challenge. Staff members at several nonprofits have noted families are being separated at some point during processing, meaning they’re then released at different locations.”
Fact Sheet on ICE FOIA Lawsuit: ICE Documents Reveal Alarming Scale of Surveillance in ISAP program
Community Justice Exchange, Just Futures Law, and Mijente Support Group, September 28, 2023
“Since 2004, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has paid billions to BI Inc., a subsidiary of private prison company Geo Group, to run its Intensive Supervision Appearance Program (ISAP), an electronic monitoring program marketed as an “alternative to detention.” Today, ICE subjects over 200,000 immigrants to various forms of surveillance via ISAP. This includes GPS ankle shackles and SmartLINK, a cell phone app ICE first launched during the Trump administration that tracks people via facial recognition, voice recognition, and location surveillance.”
Mexican Enforcement
The U.S. – Mexico Double Fix: Combating the Flow of Guns to Transnational Organized Crime
Pacific Council on International Policy, October 2023
“The U.S. and Mexico are grappling with daunting security crises stemming from the trafficking of hundreds of thousands of guns over the U.S. southern border every year. These weapons are empowering Mexican transnational criminal organizations and inflicting substantial suffering in both countries. This report underscores how reducing cross-border gun trafficking is crucial for achieving the goals of the U.S.-Mexico Bicentennial Framework for Security, Public Health, and Safe Communities — a bilateral security agreement announced nearly two years ago.”
Mexico’s president says 10,000 migrants a day head to US border; he blames US sanctions on Cuba
Associated Press, October 2, 2023
“Mexico’s president said Monday that about 10,000 migrants per day are heading to the U.S. border, and he blamed U.S. economic sanctions on countries like Cuba and Venezuela for the influx. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said the number of migrants reaching Mexico’s northern border with the United States was partly due to about 6,000 migrants per day crossing into Mexico from Guatemala over the past week.”
Insight: Migrants are being raped at Mexico border as they await entry to US
Laura Gottesdiener, Ted Hesson, Mica Rosenberg and Daina Beth Solomon, Reuters, September 29, 2023
“When Carolina’s captors arrived at dawn to pull her out of the stash house in the Mexican border city of Reynosa in late May, she thought they were going to force her to call her family in Venezuela again to beg them to pay $2,000 ransom. Instead, one of the men shoved her onto a broken-down bus parked outside and raped her, she told Reuters. “It’s the saddest, most horrible thing that can happen to a person,” Carolina said.”
Inauguran en Apodaca el Centro de Integración para Migrantes
Monica Patricia Zúñiga Martínez, Reporte Indigo, 29 de septiembre de 2023
“Con el fin de hacer frente al fenómeno migratorio en Nuevo León y garantizar sus derechos humanos, el municipio de Apodaca inauguró el Centro de Integración para Migrantes, en coordinación con autoridades estatales y federales. A través de esta oficina, la primera en su tipo en el Estado y en México, se brindará atención, información y apoyo a las personas migrantes que se quedan varadas en su intención por llegar a la frontera con Estados Unidos”.
Mexico calls for Latin American meeting on soaring migration
Reuters, September 27, 2023
“Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Wednesday called for a meeting of foreign ministers from 10 countries around Latin America to discuss migration, as record numbers of people make the dangerous crossing through the Darien Gap.”
Reubican a migrantes tras estampida en instalaciones de Comar en Tapachula
Eduardo Dina, El Universal, 26 de septiembre de 2023
“Luego de que en días pasados se registrara una estampida en las oficinas de la Comisión Mexicana de Ayuda a Refugiados (Comar) en Tapachula, Chiapas, cuando personas migrantes intentaron entrar para exigir sus trámites de estancia en México, se informó que se despresurizó el lugar”.
Mexico agrees to deport migrants after El Paso reaches “breaking point”
Uriel J. García, The Texas Tribune, September 25, 2023
“Mexico will deport certain migrants from some of its northern border cities as part of an agreement with U.S. immigration officials who have reported a sharp increase of migrants attempting to cross the border in recent weeks, according to Mexico’s immigration enforcement authority.”
Mexico makes agreement with US to deport migrants from its border cities as one mayor warns his city is at ‘a breaking point’
Rosa Flores, Sara Weisfeldt, Emma Tucker and Macie Goldfarb, CNN, September 24, 2023
“Mexico has made an agreement with the United States to deport migrants from its border cities to their home countries and take several actions to deter migrants as part of a new effort to combat the recent surge in border crossings. Mexican officials met with US Customs and Border Protection officials on Friday in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico – across the border from El Paso, Texas – following the recent spike in illegal crossings into the US that temporarily closed an international bridge and paused Mexico’s main cargo train system.”
Root Causes
Alista AMLO reunión con cancilleres y funcionarios de EU para tratar tema migratorio
Eduardo Dina and Pedro Villa y Caña, El Universal, 2 de octubre de 2023
“En su conferencia mañanera de este lunes 2 de octubre en Palacio Nacional, López Obrador informó que sostendrá una reunión en próximos días con funcionarios de Estados Unidos y con cancilleres de diferentes países para tratar el tema migratorio”.
Narcoterror en Zacatecas: secuestro y muerte para seis adolescentes
Alejandro Santos Cid, El País, 1 de octubre de 2023
“Zacatecas duerme. Es noche cerrada y en dos habitaciones del rancho El Potrerito descansan siete adolescentes. No es una escena inusual. La granja, una construcción de cemento gris a las afueras de Malpaso, suele acoger veladas como esta. Los dueños son los padres de Héctor Alejandro Saucedo y, desde siempre, él y sus amigos pasan allí las horas muertas: viendo películas, mirando al techo, hablando de la vida, haciendo lunadas —fiestas, reuniones nocturnas—. Esas cosas que se hacen cuando tienes 18 años y lo más importante en el mundo es pasar tiempo con tus compas. Además, no son muchachos demasiado inquietos. Nunca arman mucho jaleo, nunca molestan demasiado”.
La violencia en Chiapas deja a miles de niños sin poder ir a classes
Almudena Barragán, El País, 30 de septiembre de 2023
“El recrudecimiento de la violencia en Chiapas ha dejado como efecto colateral que miles de estudiantes no puedan ir a clases. Los enfrentamientos, secuestros y asesinatos empañaron el comienzo del curso escolar el pasado mes de agosto, una situación que un mes después continúa y se ha agravado en la región de la Sierra Madre y la frontera con Guatemala, al sur del Estado”.
Mueren 4 inmigrantes tras volcar en carretera de Chiapas, México
Ana María Rovelo, Tiempo, 29 de septiembre de 2023
“Cuatro inmigrantes perdieron la vida, mientras que otros 19 resultaron heridos tras que el vehículo en el que se transportaban volcará en un tramo carretero de la comunidad Buena Vista del municipio de Raudales Malpaso, en Chiapas, al sureste de México. El grupo de extranjeros se conducía en un vehículo de carga, situación a la que se enfrentan con su afán de llegar a Estados Undios”.
Corpses, body parts of 12 people strewn across Mexico’s Monterrey in spate of violence
Laura Gottesdiener, Reuters, September 27, 2023
“The mutilated corpses and dismembered body parts of 12 people were dumped in seven locations across the metropolitan area of the Mexican city of Monterrey on Tuesday in a spate of violence that unnerved residents of Mexico’s industrial capital. The gruesome discoveries recalled a bloody period in the 2010s when cartel conflicts engulfed the city and bodies were left in the streets or hanging from bridges.”
La instrucción: Cómo el gobierno dinamitó la investigación del caso Ayotzinapa
John Gibler, Quinto Elemento Lab, 26 de septiembre de 2023
“El viernes 12 de agosto de 2022, Alejandro Gertz Manero, el octogenario fiscal general de la República, llamó al entonces titular de la Unidad Especial de Investigación y Litigación para el Caso Ayotzinapa (UEILCA), Omar Gómez Trejo, a su oficina. Omar –cuenta Gómez Trejo que le dijo el fiscal–, necesito un favor, una ficha de trabajo donde me diga cómo va el caso, qué hay, qué avances. Tengo un desayuno el próximo lunes”.
Battling a Cartel in a Horrifying Quest to Find Her Daughter
Azam Ahmed, The New York Times, September 24, 2023
“Ever since 2010, when the Zetas had stormed San Fernando, laying waste to government buildings and imposing a draconian order on the town, San Fernando had become an icon of Mexico’s ruin: mass graves unearthed from the town’s peripheries bearing hundreds of human remains; dismembered bodies displayed on roadsides like mortal scarecrows; kidnapping so widespread that banks began to offer loans to pay the ransoms.”
Durante 2022, una de cada 10 personas solicitantes de refugio en México la obtuvo: Comar
Marcos Muedano, La Silla Rota, 21 de septiembre de 2023
“Aunque el gobierno de México se ha pronunciado por ser un país que protege a los migrantes, la realidad es distinta. De acuerdo con registros de la Coordinación General de la Comisión de Ayuda a Refugiados (Comar), solo una de cada 10 personas solicitantes de refugió en México en 2022 lo obtuvo. De acuerdo con las bases de datos de la Coordinación General de la Comar, dependiente de la Secretaría de Gobernación (Segob), en 2022, 118 mil 722 personas de distintos países solicitaron la ayuda para que se les otorgara la condición humanitaria. La mayoría de ellas (70.90%) se efectuó en Chiapas”.
Bernardo Arévalo continúa con gira en EE. UU. y esta es la agenda y reuniones con funcionarios
Oscar García And Fátima Najarro, Prensa Libre, 4 de octubre de 2023
“El presidente electo de Guatemala, Bernardo Arévalo, continúa este miércoles 4 de octubre su gira en Washington, EE. UU., donde tiene varias reuniones en agenda. Arévalo sostendrá diversas reuniones con distintos sectores empresariales y políticos”.
Paro nacional en Guatemala: Comunidades indígenas protestan por situación política
Karla Arevalo, Voz De América, 2 de octubre de 2023
“Comunidades indígenas acatan, desde este lunes, un paro nacional indefinido en Guatemala con el que pretenden, de la mano de organizaciones civiles y estudiantiles, que la fiscal general Consuelo Porras, el fiscal Rafael Curruchiche y el juez Fredy Orellana renuncien a sus cargos”.
Anti-Democratic Actions in Guatemala
Matthew Miller, U.S. Department of State, October 1, 2023
“The United States is gravely concerned with continued efforts to undermine Guatemala’s peaceful transition of power to President-elect Arévalo. Most recently, the Guatemalan Public Ministry seized electoral materials under the custody of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE). This act followed earlier attempts to strip immunity of the TSE electoral officials along with raiding their offices and storage facilities that house elections results. Such anti-democratic behavior undermines Guatemala’s democratic institutions and is inconsistent with the principles of the Inter-American Democratic Charter.”
Guatemalan Judge Who Exposed Corruption Flees to US After Citing Fears for His Life
Monte Reel, Bloomberg, September 28, 2023
“A Guatemalan judge facing criminal prosecution for exposing a Supreme Court justice’s attempts to influence him fled the country this week — the latest challenge to a national judicial system plagued by accusations of corruption and political vengeance.”
Six dead, 12 missing in Guatemala landslides after heavy rain
Al Jazeera, September 25, 2023
“At least six people are dead and 12 others missing after a swollen river swept away homes in Guatemala’s capital city. Early on Monday, waters from the Naranjo River rushed through a shantytown in Guatemala City called Dios es Fiel, or God is Faithful, destroying at least six homes that had been perched under a bridge, according to Guatemala’s National Coordination for Disaster Reduction agency (CONRED).”
Protecting Guatemala’s “New Spring”
Gordon Whitman, Faith in Action International, 19 de septiembre de 2023
“The Root Causes Initiative organized a delegation of faith leaders from the United States, Mexico, and Honduras to accompany the people of Guatemala in their struggle for democracy, human rights, and the rule of law during the second round of national elections in 2023. From August 17 to August 22, the delegation accompanied local community members and religious and civic leaders to understand the social and political landscape; and visited polling stations in areas of Guatemala City and in the Department of San Marcos to get a sense of whether the elections were being conducted fairly and transparently.”
El Salvador
Ministro Villatoro niega muertes de bebés al interior de cárceles durante el régimen
Alexander Pineda, El Diario de Hoy, 3 de octubre de 2023
“Gustavo Villatoro, ministro de Justicia y Seguridad, negó que al interior de las cárceles salvadoreñas hayan muerto bebés que acompañan en el encierro a sus madres detenidas bajo el régimen de excepción. Según casos documentados por este periódico y otros medios de comunicación, estas muertes de infantes habrían ocurrido ante la falta de adecuados servicios de salud para ellos o condiciones insalubres en prisión”.
Organización dice que violencia estatal contra mujeres salvadoreñas se ha “intensificado”
EFE, El Diario de Hoy, 3 de octubre de 2023
“El Foro Nacional de la Salud (FNS) señaló este martes que la “violencia sistémica” del Estado de El Salvador contra las mujeres “se ha intensificado” en el marco del régimen de excepción, vigente desde marzo de 2022 para combatir a las pandillas y que se ha convertido en la principal medida de seguridad del Gobierno del presidente Nayib Bukele contra dichos grupos. Esta afirmación fue emitida en un comunicado en el que el FNS condenó la violación de una niña por parte de un grupo de soldados en el centro del país”.
El Salvador Ex-Official Arrested Amid Anti-Graft Push
AFP, The Tico Times, October 1, 2023
“A former top official in the government of El Salvador’s president, Nayib Bukele, was arrested by police for an alleged corruption case, the attorney general’s office and the Salvadoran president reported.The former president of the state-owned Development Bank of El Salvador (Bandesal), Juan Pablo Durán, was arrested Saturday night at the international airport serving San Salvador, for alleged corruption crimes such as accepting bribes, the Attorney General’s Office said on the social network Twitter. Bukele appointed Durán to the position on June 2, 2019, a day after assuming the presidency of the country.”
“Me quitaron por exigir mis derechos como trabajadora”: empleada del Ministerio de Salud
Graciela Aguilar, La Prensa Gráfica, 29 de septiembre de 2023
“María (nombre ficticio) dedicó ocho de sus 32 años como enfermera a trabajar en un hospital público. Ella es una de las ocho mujeres que el Ministerio de Salud (MINSAL) suspendió y está en proceso de despido por participar en una concentración, el 8 de agosto, frente a las instalaciones de la cartera de Estado, donde varios sindicatos exigieron el pago atrasado de nocturnidades y vacaciones”.
El Salvador Police Reports Contradict Bukele’s Triumphalism
Roberto Valencia, InSight Crime, September 22, 2023
“More than a dozen confidential reports from El Salvador’s National Civil Police obtained by InSight Crime reveal that, although “weakened” after a year and a half under a state of exception, the three main gangs operating in El Salvador remain a subtle threat.”
Climate change migration is draining Honduras of its people: UN expert
United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, September 28, 2023
“Communities in Honduras have faced prolonged droughts, severe flooding due to hurricanes, coastal erosion and coastal inundation due to climate change. This is forcing people to leave their homes and seek more sustainable livelihoods in other countries,’ said Ian Fry, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change in a statement at the end of an official visit to the country.”
Urge Protection of Honduran Garífuna Leader Miriam Miranda, Attacked on September 19, 2023
InterReligious Task Force on Central America, September 26, 2023
“Miriam Miranda, the general coordinator of the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH), was shocked in the early morning of September 19 when four armed men entered her home in the Garífuna community of Vallecito, Colón. Fortunately, because of the presence of the bodyguards assigned to Miriam under the government’s Protection Mechanism, the armed men did not physically harm her, but she is emotionally shaken.”
United States Announces $11.6 Million for Reintegration Services for Returning Honduran Migrants
United States Agency for International Development, September 26, 2023
“The United States, through USAID, announced a $11.6 million commitment towards migrant reintegration in Honduras. Through this latest investment, USAID reaffirms its commitment to ensuring safe, orderly and humane migration. Working with the U.S. Congress, USAID will provide assistance to help returnees and internally displaced people to re-establish their lives in Honduras through expanded access to community services. Services will include education, employment, and livelihoods and psycho-social support.”
Atentan contra la defensora Norma Lino y otros miembros de la OFRANEH
Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos, 26 de septiembre de 2023
“La defensora Norma Lino, junto a 8 compañeros de la recuperación Intermar en Puerto Castilla, fueron atacados por tres hombres armados opuestos al proceso de defensa del territorio garífuna. Los atacantes llegaron al territorio en recuperación portando una escopeta de balines, haciendo disparos indiscriminadamente, hiriendo a la defensora y sus compañeros, uno de ellos menor de edad. Las personas heridas acudieron rápidamente al hospital a recibir a atención médica y posteriormente se movilizaron a la Policia Nacional de Trujillo a interponer la denuncia”.
Urge reforzar programas de reinserción a migrantes retornados
Kelly Ortez, Criterio, 23 de septeimbre de 2023
“La presidenta Xiomara Castro visitó este sábado los Centros de Atención a Migrantes en la ciudad de McAllen, Estado de Texas, con el fin de realizar un recorrido y conocer la situación de los migrantes hondureños, especialmente los menores no acompañados se encuentran en albergues. La mandataria realizó la visita en compañía del secretario de seguridad de Estados Unidos, Alejandro Mayorkas, la embajadora de EE UU en Honduras Laura Dogu y la sub secretaria adjunta de Estado, Rachel Poynter”.
Amenazan de muerte y hostigan a 46 familias del grupo campesino Brisas del Humuya.
Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos, 22 de septiembre de 2023
“El Grupo Campesino Brisas del Humuya, afiliado a la Central Nacional de Trabajadores del Campo Regional Progreso, sostiene un proceso de recuperación desde hace más de año y medio en la aldea Las Eneas, en Santa Cruz de Yojoa.”
In Honduras’ Dry Corridor, climate change poses a painful dilemma: Adapt or leave
Brian Roewe, The National Catholic Reporter, September 18, 2023
“More are migrating north to larger cities or taking the longer arduous journey to the United States, driven by a lack of jobs and opportunities in their homeland. The region is widely dependent on agriculture, with many families growing their own food. As rainfall patterns have become less consistent and periods of drought have persisted, harvests have dried up, and with them, prospects to build a better life.”
Darien Panama: Mixed Movements Protection Monitoring September 2023
The United Nations Refugee Agency, September 28, 2023
“According to official statistics of the National Migration Service (SNM), from 2010 to 2020, some 120,000 people crossed through this area. Panama has been facing an unprecedented mixed movement crisis in the last two years, with nearly 400,000 people making this perilous journey through the jungle. In 2022, a total of 248,284 people entered the country irregularly through Darien.”
Costa Rica Declares National State of Emergency Over Migrant Surge
Ileana Fernandez, The Tico Times, September 27, 2023
“The government of Costa Rica announced a state of national emergency on Tuesday in response to the dramatically increasing number of migrants crossing its southern border from Panama. Authorities say over 60,000 migrants entered just in the month of September, straining limited resources. President Rodrigo Chaves declared the emergency measure during a press conference with officials from the National Emergency Commission (CNE) and his administration. This decree will facilitate additional funding and operational capabilities to manage the influx of migrants, primarily extracontinental individuals aiming to reach the United States.”
Americas: Regularization and protection: International obligations for the protection of Venezuelan nationals
Amnesty International, September 21, 2023
“In this report, Amnesty International analyzes the migratory regularization measures and procedures for the recognition of refugee status implemented by Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Chile, states that host nearly 70% of the 7.32 million Venezuelan people who have fled a complex humanitarian emergency and widespread and systematic violations of their civil and political rights in Venezuela. Based on the findings and conclusions of this investigation, Amnesty International makes a number of recommendations to the relevant authorities.”
Gender and LGBTQ+
Feminists claim El Salvador’s abortion law is violence against women
La Prensa Latina, September 28, 2023
“The absolute criminalization of abortion in El Salvador, one of the most restrictive countries, constitutes violence against women, said activists from the Feminist Assembly on Thursday. The declarations come amid the World Day of Action for Legal Abortion celebrated every year on September 28. In El Salvador, women are usually suspected of having had an abortion – prohibited under all circumstances – and charged with homicide, which carries a prison sentence of up to 30 years, if they suffer pregnancy complications that lead to miscarriages and stillbirths.”
Hombres trans y aborto: activistas de América Latina nos cuentan la batalla por la visibilidad
Georgina González, Presentes, 28 de septiembre de 2023
“Es común que cuando se habla de aborto se piense solo en mujeres cisgénero. Los hombres trans, personas transmasculinas y no binarias asignadas al género femenino al nacer quedan fuera del imaginario social, de los estudios, las estadísticas, las discusiones y legislaciones en torno a un derecho que los Estados deben garantizar a todas las personas con capacidad de gestar”.
Aumentan viajes desde EU para abortar tras fallo de la SCJN
Roxana González, SemMexico, 24 de septiembre de 2023
“El número de mujeres estadounidenses que refieren el aborto como motivo de su viaje a nuestro país aumentó 42 por ciento a partir del pasado 6 de septiembre, cuando la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) de México resolvió despenalizar el aborto a nivel federal, revela un reporte de la Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza (CBP) de Estados Unidos. Los puentes fronterizos que comunican a Texas con Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, Coahuila y Chihuahua, registraron un total de 47 cruces, frente a los 19 en el resto de la frontera. Texas es uno de los estados de la Unión Americana que prohíben totalmente el aborto”.
Donations and volunteers needed in the San Diego area
Haitian Bridge Alliance, September 29, 2023
“The Haitian Bridge Alliance alongside a fantastic coalition of organizations pulled together an extraordinary effort to welcome 7,000-10,000 people seeking asylum dropped off in San Diego in the past two weeks with no notice whatsoever. If you speak Arabic, French, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, Mandarin, Ukrainian or Vietnamese and can come in person to San Diego, DM us @HaitianBridge.”
*The Migration News Brief is a selection of relevant news articles, all of which do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Latin America Working Group.
P.S. Do you know of someone who might be interested in receiving the Migration News Brief? Tell them to email tdelmoral@lawg.org.
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