In a successful inaugural event, the Asian American Pacific Islander Design Alliance (AAPIDA) marked its entry into the Pacific Northwest (PNW) region on Oct. 5. Hosted at the POC-owned interior design firm, NB Design Group, this gathering saw an enthusiastic turnout of approximately 60 people.
The event featured AAPIDA West Coast Chapter President Will Nguyen, who also serves as the owner of Collective Form in West Hollywood, California. Whitney Maehara, the events coordinator for the PNW AAPIDA Chapter and principal at NB Design Group, along with James Fung, vice president for the PNW AAPIDA Chapter and Principal at NB Design Group, were instrumental in making this event a reality.
AAPIDA, at its core, is an organization and collective committed to fostering cultural awareness, promoting inclusiveness, igniting collaboration, providing mentorship to emerging talents, and amplifying the voices of the AAPI community.
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