After Vikram, Fahadh Faasil’s stocks have risen tremendously outside of Malayalama cinema, which has always been his stronghold. On the other hand, his Vikram costar, Suriya, who only appeared in a cameo in the film as the prime antagonist of the upcoming installment, but has since got everyone talking about his cameo, has enjoyed mass popularity across the South film industries since some time now. Now, fans of both stars can’t wait for them to reunite in the Vikram sequel, but prior to that, a tweet by Suriya for Malayankunju, Fahadh Faasil‘s upcoming Malayalam movie, is sending both fan clubs into collective meltdown.
Suriya heaps praise on Fahadh Faasil’s Malayankunju
Fahadh Faasil’s Malayankunju trailer, which was recently unveiled, has garnered love and appreciation across all quarters, not just by the actor’s fans. It’s looking like a tightly wound trailer that promises to leave the audence on the edge of their seats in suspense. The latest to join the league of those who can’t wait for the film is Suriya himself, who has heaped praise on both Fahadh Faasil and Malayankunju.
Suriya’s tweet for Fahadh Faasil’s Malayankunju
Taking to his official Twitter handle, Suirya shared the Malayankunju trailer and wrote: “Love n Respects to Faasil sir! Fahadh you always surprise me with your stories..! Blown by the footage of this truly different attempt..! #SajimonPrabhakar #maheshnarayanan @Rajisha_Vijayan & Team! #Malayankunju with ARR sir!!!” CHeck out his tweet and the reactions of both fan clubs on it below:
Love n Respects to Faasil sir!
Fahadh you always surprise me with your stories..! Blown by the footage of this truly different attempt..! #SajimonPrabhakar #maheshnarayanan @Rajisha_Vijayan & Team! #Malayankunju with ARR sir!!!— Suriya Sivakumar (@Suriya_offl) July 16, 2022
Going by the love and mutual admiration being exchanged by the two actors, many of their fans are speculating if they’ll again team for a movie other than Vikram 2. Let’s wait and watch.
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