Today’s Wordle is a bit of a challenge, so Newsweek has put together a few tips and tricks to help you solve the latest brainteaser.
If you haven’t tried it yet, the premise is quite simple: you have to guess a five-letter word in six attempts or less. Try it for free here.
Reportedly, millions of people play it every year. When it first launched circa 90 people played it.
The game is color-coded. A letter that is in the right position will turn green, while a letter that is part of the word but in the wrong position will turn yellow.
If you’ve guessed a letter that isn’t part of the word at all, it’ll turn gray.
The Origins of ‘Wordle’
The puzzle was originally developed by software engineer Josh Wardle, who initially intended it to be played by him and his partner Palak Shah.
Wardle first began working on it in 2013 and returned to the project during the COVID-19 pandemic, where he perfected it and launched it to the public.
It was officially launched to the public in October 2021. In January 2022, Wordle was bought by The New York Times Company for an undisclosed seven-figure sum.
‘Wordle’ #395 Hints and Clues for Tuesday, July 19
Wardle, the game’s developer, recommends you spend your first few attempts eliminating as much of the alphabet as possible.
Additionally, we recommend that your first try be a word with plenty of vowels, such as AUDIO. We would also suggest avoiding less common letters such as X, Q or Z, until you have a better grasp of what the word actually is.
We’ve got four tips for you below to help you solve Wordle #395. Each clue brings you closer to the answer, so if you only need a bit of help, stop reading before the final hint.
Hint #1: Today’s Wordle contains only one vowel.
Hint #2: The word starts with the letter “A.”
Hint #3: The word ends with the letter “Y.”
Hint #4: It is a human emotion.
Stefani Reynolds/Getty
‘Wordle’ #395 Answer for Tuesday, July 19
The answer to Wordle #395 is “ANGRY.” Cambridge Dictionary defines anger and being angry as “a strong feeling that makes you want to hurt someone or be unpleasant because of something unfair or unkind that has happened.”
While you’re waiting for the game to refresh, why not try other similar online puzzles, such as the geography guessing game Worldle or some of these alternative word puzzles instead?
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