On Sunday, The Washington Post carried an opinion piece about President Joe Biden and his 2024 aspirations. In the piece, the Jeff Bezos-controlled newspaper argued that Biden should not seek reelection.
Steven Isenberg, the writer of the editorial, contended that voters would focus on local elections instead of Congressional races if Biden announced he would not re-seek a White House bid.
Isenberger’s theory is flawed, as people are still feeling the burden of inflation, the southern border crisis, and the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, among many other poor policies and decisions made by the far-left and Biden administration. They see that these problems are happening under Biden, and even if he announces that he’s not going to run for a second term, voters will vote in November based on the job that the Biden administration has done.
Isenberg wrote:
“First, and most important, the midterm elections this November would become about key issues and the quality of individual House and Senate candidates rather than the merits of Biden’s presidency and whether voters feel he should run again.”
“Once the expense of spirit, dollars, actions and arguments to keep alive the possibility of a second term is ended, the need for Biden to posture or tactically temporize will be gone, too. That new freedom would permit him to say with absolute conviction that every ounce of his energy, focus and political capital will be devoted to addressing the nation’s immediate needs and the matters he feels most deeply shape our future.”
Isenberg has a point about the individual candidates running for the House or Senate race; however, if there are two moderate candidates, with the way that the Biden administration has steered the ship, the Republican candidate would likely defeat the Democrat, similar to what we saw during the 2018 midterm elections.
Isenberg continued:
“Unless Biden announces that he is not running for reelection, this quiet campaign against him will intensify — whether it comes from people who intend to challenge Biden in the primaries in 2024 or just to flex their muscles to discourage him from running again. This is fueled by his low standing in the polls on job performance and on desirability as the party’s 2024 nominee.”
He defended Biden, as he gave credit for “convictions on guns, the Supreme Court, and China and inflation have been made with candor.” He said:
“Biden, on the other hand, has been a stronger president than the polls suggest. His convictions on guns, abortion, the Supreme Court, China and inflation have been made with candor. His attainments in judicial appointments, and aspirations for physical and social infrastructure, as well as climate change, form a serious agenda.”
He concluded:
“He would avoid questions about who his running mate might be, or who should be in his next Cabinet. He would not have to resist appraising challengers from his own party or the GOP. Perhaps he had all this inherently in mind when he called himself ‘a transitional president.’”
Biden continues to claim he is running for President.
Yet, as I previously reported, nearly two-thirds of Democrats don’t want to see Biden as the 2024 presidential candidate.
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