Rank these countries from most (1) to least (7) expensive in terms of where they sit on the “Big Mac Index”.
(FYI – The Big Mac index measures purchasing power parity (PPP) between nations using the price of a McDonald’s Big Mac as the benchmark.)
Test your trivia knowledge by putting items into the correct order. Use the arrows on the right to move items up or down, until you have them in the right places, according to the question of the day.
Then hit “choose” to find out if you’re correct. You get three chances, so three strikes, and you’re out. We’ve given you a little helping hand though: The answers you have right and wrong will flash green or red quickly in between chances. Just scroll up or zoom out if you can’t see them.
This daily trivia quiz will be online every weekday at 12pm.
* Quiz: Take the three strikes trivia test for April 25, 2022
* Quiz: Take the three strikes trivia test for April 22, 2022
* Quiz: Take the three strikes trivia test for March 21, 2022
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