I recently connected with a talented illustrator and designer by the name of Andrew Fairclough, who many of you may know as the founder of True Grit Texture Supply. I’m extremely impressed with what he’s created and the sheer number of incredible artists using his tools speaks for itself. We thought it would be fun to tell each of our audiences about what the other is doing—Andrew interviewed me about Booooooom (you can read it here) and I wanted to make a post about some of my fav creators from his community. So that’s what this is!
If you don’t already know, True Grit Texture Supply have been crafting pro-quality digital art tools since 2017, from ultra-realistic pencils and inking brushes to long-lost vintage print effects. True Grit has grown an almost cult-like following amongst illustrators, artists and designers looking to make their digital work feel more analog. If you’re curious, you can join the TGTS email newsletter and you get a huge sample pack for Free!
Here are 10 illustrators (coulda been many many more) whose work I love, who are all using True Grit in some way to create their art.
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