Women living with Metastatic Breast Cancer who test
positive for Covid-19 are being given conflicting advice on
how to maintain their treatment and Health NZ needs to issue
clear guidance, according to Sweet Louise, the only charity
in New Zealand dedicated to supporting women living with
incurable, metastatic breast cancer.
‘There is a
lack of clear advice anywhere about what to do when you are
having life-prolonging treatments for cancer but test
positive for Covid-19. Some of our members are being told
that they should continue to attend their appointments for
treatment even though they have tested positive for Covid19
while others have been told to stay away and isolate until
they test negative. We need Health NZ to provide unequivocal
guidelines’ says Catrin Devonald, CEO of Sweet
‘It’s confusing and distressing at a
hugely stressful time of life. Metastatic breast cancer
cannot be cured, yet often it can be controlled with
treatment, sometimes for many years. But the impact of
ongoing treatment can be enormous, from financial impacts
such as having to give up work, to severe fatigue, to the
ongoing anxiety of not knowing how long you might have left
with your loved ones.’
Each year, about 3000 women
in New Zealand are diagnosed with breast cancer, and up to
400 women are diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer.
Metastatic breast cancer is a cancer that has spread beyond
the breast to other parts of the body. At this point, the
cancer can’t be cured. But thanks to improved treatments
available in New Zealand, many women can live for a long
‘Right now, we are very worried that the
Covid-19 situation is compounding feelings of anxiety and
fear for New Zealanders with metastatic breast cancer. Women
with compromised immunity are concerned about how effective
the vaccine might be for them. For others, being advised by
your doctor to isolate at home is a huge burden when you
know your time with loved ones is
Metastatic breast cancer affects younger
women too – around 50% of the women supported by Sweet
Louise are under the age of 59 and many of them have
children under 18 years of age.
‘For women with
metastatic breast cancer, the narrative of ‘winning the
battle’ or ‘breast cancer survivor’ doesn’t fit,
adds Catrin Devonald. ‘This is a fight they can’t win.
But their incredible courage and determination to make the
most of the time they have, to be there for their children
and families, is truly
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