Celebrating two decades of groundbreaking music, Massar Egbari, the iconic Egyptian rock band, released today a captivating teaser for their upcoming documentary film. The film, directed by Amir El Shennawy, delves into the band’s personal and creative journey as they navigated a period of uncertainty and ultimately crafted their latest album, set for release in early 2025.
The documentary offers a raw and intimate look at the creation process of the band’s music, and the people behind it, all while navigating a potential breakup. It candidly portrays the artists’ individual struggles and the collective effort required to create each song. The events of the documentary take place in the band’s studio in Cairo, as well as Sidi Heneish and Dubai.
The documentary alongside the album are powered by the leading telecommunications provider; Telecom Egypt. “This album and the accompanying documentary represent a new chapter for Massar Egbari,” says Ayman Massoud. “We faced significant personal and professional hurdles, but we ultimately chose to confront them head-on and do what we love the most; music.” added Hany El Dakkak.
The forthcoming album, featuring 12 original tracks, promises to deliver a fresh and innovative sound that will captivate longtime fans and introduce the band to a new generation of listeners. Massar Egbari has also hinted at a series of electrifying live performances to coincide with the album launch, promising their fans a whole new level of concert experiences. The teaser, which is now available on the band’s official social media channels, hints at an emotional, fun, and intimate film to look forward to.
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