Last updated: 28 December 2019
When traveling solo in Japan, public transport is a must, and trains are the most convenient option! Japan’s tourism push now includes English, Chinese, and Korean guides at many stations, but what if it’s all in Japanese? Don’t worry—we’ve gathered key station vocab, phrases, and handy dialogues so even non-Japanese speakers can travel with confidence!
Japanese Trains

Japan’s train scene is wild—tons of companies and types! Beyond the nationwide JR, there’s Tokyo’s Toei Oedo and Tokyo Metro subways, private lines like Odakyu and Keio, plus monorails like Yurikamome. The route map’s a dense web that can overwhelm first-timers.
Riding’s similar to Taiwan, but watch out when using PASMO or SUICA cards. Unlike Taiwan’s EasyCard and some other systems, they can’t go negative—low balance means the gate blocks you! While PASMO and SUICA work most places, some areas need local cards or paper tickets instead.
Common Station Vocab

Common Station Vocab
- Station
- 駅(eki)
- Ticket Gate
- 改札口(kaisatsuguchi)
- Platform
- プラットフォーム/ホーム(Platform/hoomu)
- Ticket
- 切符(きっぷ)(kippu)
- Sales Counter
- 売り場(うりば)(uriba)
- Ticket Machine
- 乗車券自動販売機(joushakennjidouhannbaiki)
- Top-Up
- チャージ(Charge)
- Balance
- 残額/残高(zanngaku/zanndaka)
- Timetable
- ダイヤ(daiya)
- Station Staff
- 駅係員(ekikakariinn)
- Elevator
- エレベーター(Elevator)
- Escalator
- エスカレーター(Escalator)
- Restroom
- トイレ/お手洗い(Toilet/otearai)
Common Train Ride Vocab

Common Train Ride Vocab
- Departure
- 発(hatsu)
- Arrival
- 着(chaku)
- Arrival
- 乗り換え(norikae)
- Local Train (All Stops)
- 各駅停車/普通(kakuekiteisha/futsuu)
- Priority Seat
- 優先席(yuusenseki)
- Rush Boarding
- 駆け込み乗車(kakekomijousha)
- Delay
- 遅延/遅れ(chienn/okure)
- Service Pause
- 運転見合わせ(utennmiawase)
- Service Suspension
- 運休(unnkyuu)
- Operation Status
- 運行状況(unnkoujyokyo)
- Inspection
- 点検(tenken)
- Personal Injury Accident
- 人身事故(jinshinjiko)
Common Station & Train Announcements

Common Station & Train Announcements
- Train approaching
- 電車がまいります。
- A train to ___ will soon arrive at Platform ○
- まもなく、○番線に__方面行きの電車がまいります。
(mamonaku, ○bansenni-___houmenyukinodenshaga-mairimasu)
- It’s dangerous, so…
- 危ないですので、
- Please step back behind the yellow line
- 黄色い線までお下がりください。
- Rush boarding is risky, please don’t do it
- かけこみ乗車は危険ですので、おやめください。
- Doors closing, take care
- ドアが閉まります。ご注意ください。
(doaga-shimarimasu gochuui-kudasai)
- Train departing
- 発車致します。
- Near priority seats, set phones to silent and avoid calls
- 優先席付近ではマナーモードに設定の上、通話はご遠慮ください。
(yuusensekifukindewa manamodoni-setteinoue, tsuuwawa-goenryokudasai)
- Thank you for riding
- ご乗車ありがとうございます。
- Don’t forget your belongings when exiting
- お降りの際は、お忘れ物のないよう、ご注意ください。
(orinosaiwa-owasuremono no naiyou gochuuikudasai)
Practical Q&A Dialogues
Practical Q&A Dialogues
- I want to go to ○○
- ○○に行きたいです。
- How do I get to ○○?
- ○○にはどうやって行けばいいですか。
- Where do I buy a ticket?
- 切符はどこで買えばいいですか。
- How do I buy a ticket?
- 切符はどうやって買えますか。
- How much to ○○?
- ○○までの料金はいくらですか。
- How long to ○○?
- ○○へは、時間はどのくらいかかりますか。
- Does this train go to ○○?
- この電車は○○に行きますか。
- Do I get off here for ○○?
- ○○はここで降りますか。
- Which exit for ○○?
- ○○にはどの出口ですか。
*This information is from the time of this article’s publication.
*Prices and options mentioned are subject to change.
*Unless stated otherwise, all prices include tax.
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