Adam Levine and fam are gonna have their hands full, because they just got a new puppy that promises to eventually tip the scales at over 100 lbs!!!
Adam was in Montecito Friday caressing his new pooch — a fluffy Leonberger, a German-bred dog that will be enormous. Females get up to 140 lbs and dude dogs 170 lbs — yes 170!!!
Check out the pup’s paws … you can see what’s in store for the Levine family.
Aside from sheer size … these dogs shed like crazy — so much so, grooming them has become a cottage industry. There are even competitions for who can get the biggest hairballs.
BTW … can’t tell if it’s a male or female … it’s a little shy in the pics!
And, hey … just imagine the size of the poop!!!
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