Alia Bhatt recently made her Hollywood debut with Hear of Stone, co-starring Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan. During a recent interview with a leading broadcast news channel, the actress disclosed that Gal Gadot was among the initial individuals to be informed about her pregnancy.
Alia Bhatt revealed that she chose to keep her pregnancy relatively private since it’s common for people not to share the news until the first trimester has passed. However, she had to inform the cast while shooting for Heart of Stone. When asked whether she considered stepping back from the movie due to her pregnancy, she responded with a firm “No.” She decided to confide in the film’s producer, director, and Gal Gadot because she found them to be incredibly kind and supportive. Alia never doubted their understanding before sharing her news with them.
Alia also shared that Gal consistently reminded her to stay well-hydrated. She said, “In fact, I remember we were once shooting this, I am not going to talk much about it, but it was really hot and Gal was really bothered about my hydration and she was telling me to keep myself hydrated, asking me to drink enough water.”
Alia further elaborated, stating, “So she’d say, ‘You need to keep yourself hydrated.’ So that’s the kind of person she is and she exudes warmth and she is also extremely caring about everybody on her crew and she is wonderful with her actors as well. So yes, I felt too comfortable.”
Heart of Stone, directed by Tom Harper, made its debut on OTT on August 11. This movie holds significance as it marks Alia Bhatt’s entry into Hollywood. Alongside Gal Gadot and Alia Bhatt, the film also features Jamie Dornan in a prominent role.
See Also: Heart of Stone: Everything to know before watching the Gal Gadot, Alia Bhatt starrer
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