Alia Bhatt has had a stupendous 2022 with back-to-back blockbusters with films like RRR and Gangubai Kathiawadi. The news that has made it to the surface informed that Gangubai Kathiawadi was submitted for several categories including Best Film, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Leading Actress. Filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali had also indulged in a BAFTA masterclass earlier and received a nomination way back too for his film Devdas. However, now as the BAFTA longlist has been announced in 24 categories, Gangubai Kathiawadi seems to be out of the race.
But RRR which is also one of Alia Bhatt’s films from last year has made the cut and the makers took to social media to share the happy news. The post was captioned with, “Very happy to share that #RRR is in the LONGLIST of #BAFTA FILM AWARDS. Thank you, everyone. @bafta #RRRMovie.
The film has received a nomination in the category of Best Film (Non-English). It is indeed a great achievement and a moment of pride for the team.
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