Best for: A simple solution to scale and smell
Fountains, whether they’re ‘of youth’, a font of ‘all-knowledge’ or simply a bronze likeness of a small boy taking a wee in the centre of Brussels, everyone loves a fountain; particularly one that, for a tad over a ton and half, takes all the awful chlorine taste and odour away and reduces limescale to next to nothing, to ensure that your tap aqua tastes unadulterated and, by extension, your cup of tea or coffee of nothing but bag or bean.
It achieves this by taking all the ‘croutons’ that come in your Corporation Pop and dissolving those miserable minerals until they transform into harmless, inactive microscopic crystal particles. These then wind their way through your plumbing without latching onto and systematically ruining any vital bits.
You’ll need to know just how hard your water is, something expressed in terms of the equivalent quantity of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in milligrams per litre or parts per million (check with your supplier). Here, for example, if your water is harder than 25 grains (427ppm CaCO3) then the OneFlow may not be suitable as this would make your water very, very hard indeed, but anything below that is fair game!
Coming in kit form with everything you need to fit and get all up and (tap) running on your own, 99 per cent removal of chlorine is good for up to 12 months or around 4000 gallons at 1.0gpm (gallons per minute), while the chemical-free scale prevention and protection continues unabated as long as your cartridge does.
An eminently affordable system for ridding your water of the curses of chlorine, the Oyster Taste and OneFlow makes the world of water your, ahem, oyster.
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