Bharti Singh’s viral video of her family participating in her son’s Mundan ceremony at Man Lake in Ambaji, Gujarat, resonated with fans. The emotional moment captured in the video touched many hearts. Bharti and Haarsh expressed joy during their visit to Maa Ambaji, creating a memorable experience for their family.
Bharti Singh, one of the most famous artists in the industry, is known for her unique style that brings laughter to everyone. She has been a part of numerous entertainment shows and has also hosted many reality shows. Currently, she is hosting Dance Deewane Season 4 and is frequently seen by the media outside the show’s sets. Bharti has a strong connection with social media enthusiasts and often shares vlogs featuring her husband and son, receiving immense love from fans. A recent video featuring Bharti Singh with her husband, Haarsh Limbachiyaa, and their son, Gola, has gone viral on social media. In this video, the family is shown participating in their son Lakshya’s (Gola) Mundan ceremony at Man Lake in Ambaji, Gujarat. Bharti Singh’s emotional moment during the ceremony is evident in the video. Following the ceremony, Bharti and Haarsh spoke to the media. Bharti mentioned that this was her second visit to Ambaji; the first was for her marriage, and this time, they were there for their son’s ceremony. Haarsh shared with the media that his own Mundan ceremony was also performed there in a similar manner, now followed by his son’s. They both expressed having a wonderful experience during their visit to Maa Ambaji. Watch the video to know more.
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