The survivor of a deadly shooting incident in Soufriere, St Lucia on December 3, one day after the mass shooting incident, spoke on the situation that claimed the life of his friend to British media.
British national residing in St Lucia, Peter Jackson, says his friend Donnie McKinnon was the intended target.
The two men were at a bar they frequented in Soufriere when two masked gunmen opened fire on them.
Donnie McKinnon
McKinnon succumbed to gunshot injuries sustained while Jackson sustained a gunshot injury to his shoulder.
“I was lucky. My friend, not so. My friend was the target, not me. Wrong place, they say,” Jackson told the British press.
“The bullet went straight through my shoulder and I’m lucky to get away with a fractured humerus,” he said.
Jackson was transported to the St Jude Hospital where he received medical attention. He applauded the staff and the medical facility for doing a fantastic job.
The two men were originally from the UK but have resided in St Lucia for about three decades.
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“We are only a small community but our medical services do a great job with limited resources.”
McKinnon was the manager of Soufriere Estate, one of the island’s most popular tourist attractions.
Questions abound as to whether it was a robbery gone wrong, a targeted attack, or a case of wrong place, wrong time.
No official statement has been issued on the specifics by law enforcement officials.
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