People are spending far too much energy in trying to change other people’s opinions, telling them what to do, or getting annoyed with how others react. Life is too short for all that noise.
Just do you. If you’re happy after a Chelsea win and just want to celebrate that, then do it. Log off social media or just scroll past the negativity. If you don’t want to read anything negative I’ve said on here then just don’t click on it. I won’t be offended, I promise you
If you are upset and annoyed about some things you saw in the game or some reactions or comments by Enzo Maresca then again, go ahead and do you. Voice those concerns, You pay your money to support Chelsea, you have every right to do that just as those who want to celebrate only have every right to do that too. So again, just scroll past anything you don’t like seeing after a game. Nobody is physically forcing you to go and read fan reactions.
Believe me, everyone will be much happier and a lot less stressed if we all just did that.
It’s people who jump on socials taking the morale high ground the tell everyone off or tell them how to think that winds me up. Some of these people have probably been quick to put out a lot of toxicity at times too! Just let people feel, let them express. We are all human, and we all have different feelings and see things differently. Don’t try and ‘fix’ people. If they have an opinion then they have it for a reason.
If people like a good debate then awesome, go ahead and get in one! But the ‘told you so’ culture is not for me. I’ll always encourage diverse opinions on here and will never want or expect everyone to think like me. It’s great to have different views.
But just know that some people are just generally more positive in life, others not so much, and we are all different.
So those who have no concerns after that win yesterday then amazing, go ahead and enjoy yourselves! I love that attitude.
For others though, it is not quite as simple as that and there are some glaring concerns still and it’s fine to voice that.
Just do you.
Imagine going to a pub after the game, standing up with a microphone and telling everyone they should be happy or they should be upset regardless and calling them all out!? Social media has changed the scope man!
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