By Blessed Sergius,
Metropolitan of Mesemvria and All Bulgaria,
Primate of the True Orthodox Bulgarian Church
and Chairman of the Supreme Church Council of the TOBC
“Therefore, having a great High Priest who has passed through heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confession. For we do not have an high priest who cannot sympathize with us in our infirmities, but who, like us, is tempted in everything except sin. Let us therefore draw near with boldness to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:14-16).
Beloved in the Lord, fellow primates of True Orthodox Churches!
Dear archpastors, shepherds and all who accomplish the monastic feat!
Beloved children of the True Orthodox Church!
Over the past year, we have witnessed many events that confused our thoughts, endangered our souls and tested our faith.
The Lord, in His indescribable mercy, sent us trials so that we could answer the most important question for ourselves: are we worthy to be called His children, are we able to follow the path indicated to us by the Son of God, do we dare to hope to see the Kingdom at the end of our path God’s?
The revival of new fascism in Europe, the liberation war in the Donbass, the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict that grew into a world confrontation between East and West, the unprecedentedly stupid and sometimes criminally erroneous actions of the leaders of world Orthodoxy – all this contributed to inciting inter-religious hatred on a universal scale, and blasphemous fratricidal encroachments.
Every day we more and more observed the collapse of centuries-old world traditions that once seemed strong, violations and tectonic shifts in the foundations of Christianity, undoubtedly destructive for the entire Church of Christ in all its diversity, aimed at the reign of the prince of lies and the ungodly mammon on the Throne of the Glory of the Lord!
But the intrigues of the enemies of God and the Church are in vain!
The gates of hell will not prevail against her.
At least as long as there are those who, despite all the temptations and difficulties, invariably follow the Path of Christ, fearlessly and selflessly confessing True Orthodoxy!
At a time when the worshipers of the golden calf are ruthlessly tearing apart the Chiton of Christ, the True Orthodox Church is united into a single organism, gathering all the faithful and righteous in parts, truly confessing the ancient principle, which invariably affirms that the real Church is a family, ” where there is neither Greek nor Jew, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free, but Christ is all and in all” (Col. 3:11).
We remain strong in our faith and faithful in our choice of path. Paths of True Orthodoxy. Ways of sincere prayer “with one mouth and one heart.” Ways of serving God through the salvation of each individual human soul.
My beloved!
Despite all the difficulties and troubles of the past year, the Nativity of the Divine Infant-Christ, the Light that shone in the East always gives us hope that we are not alone in this world full of passions and vices. With us always, until the end of the age, the Lord abides and will continue to abide, having atoned for our sins through His sufferings, the Great Bishop, who showed us the True Path of following and salvation.
Our task is not to deviate from this path, to be worthy of His love and His mercy, His protection and His sacrifice.
As always, I remember the words of the Savior: “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another; as I have loved you, let you also love one another” (John 13:34).
And may these words drive out any doubts from your souls, give you strength and strength of spirit, make your faith a true armor in a constant battle for the truth of God.
Merry Christmas, peace, kindness and love to you.
May the mercy and blessings of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ be with you. And now, and forever, and forever and ever.
Mr., Mr. + SERGIY,
His Beatitude Metropolitan of Mesemvria and all of Bulgaria,
Primate of the True Orthodox Bulgarian Church (TOBC).
Supreme Church Council of the TOBC.
City of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Christmas, 2023.
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