Rumours have been floating about Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt expecting twins. It all started when Ranbir Kapoor did a video interview and played the game two truths and a lie. The actor gave three statements, of which one was that he was expecting twins. However, the actor did not clarify which statement was true and which one was a lie. Sections of the media spread rumours about the couple expecting twins.
Ranbir Kapoor has recently addressed the rumours about expecting twins with Alia Bhatt. The actor told a news portal, “Don’t create controversy. They asked me to state three things: two truths and a lie. Now I can’t reveal what is the truth, and what is the lie.”
The actor had made three statements. He’d said, “I am having twins, I am going to be part of a very big mythological film, I am taking a long break from work.” He left the fans to guess which statement was false.
On the work front, Ranbir Kapoor is awaiting the release of Shamshera which will hit the theatres later this week. Post this, his movie Brahmastra will be released on September 9 which stars him and Alia Bhatt.
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