Kareena Kapoor Khan has delivered a milestone performance in the recently released Laal Singh Chaddha. The film is the official Hindi adaptation of the Academy Award-winning movie, Forrest Gump and has earned high praise from critics. “It’s a huge risk indeed that one of the most successful heroines of today has been cast as a struggler. It’s a world totally unrelated to Kareena Kapoor Khan, who belongs to filmdom’s first family. She surprises you with the vulnerability she brings to the role. It’s a performance filled with angst and grit that is one of her best portrayals so far in her career,” reads our Filmfare Review. In an exclusive interview with us, the actress speaks about why the audience should go and watch the film. As always, she comes up smelling roses.
Give me a reason why we should go watch Laal Singh Chaddha.
I think for the brave effort that Aamir (Khan) and Advait (Chandan) have done to adapt Forrest Gump. It’s such a loved film, and it’s a film that I think everybody saw. And I think that we have both given our best. And he’s made a very good film. Ya, 100%. No doubt about it.
What is your takeaway from this film?
I think my takeaway is always, that working with Aamir is always like amazing. He’s like an institution in his own right, you know? There’s something Aamir Khan just does from a different aspect of like where any other actor comes from. Whether it’s his dedication or the way he believes in the film. Everything is just so different when you work with him than with anyone else.
Laal Singh Chaddha stars Aamir Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Naga Chaitanya in the lead roles with strong supporting performances with Mona Singh and Manav Vij. The film was released in theatres on the 11th of August.
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