Speaker of the American House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, returned from a visit to the Chinese land of Taiwan on August 3. She announced in parliament that the relationship between the “two countries” would be strengthened. However, while he was saying this, he violated the “One China” policy that the US is publicly committing.
“On this strong foundation, we have built a thriving partnership grounded in our shared values of self-government and self-determination,” with a focus on mutual security interests and economic ties, she said.
To counter China, “we have to show the world the success of the people of Taiwan,” Pelosi said. “Their courage to change their own country to become more democratic, their respect for people is, quite frankly, a model in this region, but we’re not here to talk about mainland China. We’re here to talk about Taiwan.”
The United States, which considers itself the sole guarantor of democracy and human rights, has always questioned other countries’ internal affairs, sovereignty, and geographical integrity. While the centre of world power is Asia, China has emerged as a world power. To stop China, the US has repeatedly raised the slogan of human rights and democracy. Pelosi’s latest visit to Taiwan is a continuation of this.
Pelosi’s Taiwan visit was the first of a sitting US House speaker since 1997 when Republican Newt Gingrich travelled to Taipei and met with then-president Lee Teng-hui. Though the visit conclude with 19 hours in Taipei, the protestors “welcome” there with a “Black Flag”.
Series of Double Standard
The US has repeatedly interfered in China’s internal affairs and geographical integrity in the name of protecting democracy. Its lineage has reached Taiwan via Tibet, Hong Kong, and Xinjiang. America, which is committed to the ‘one China policy, has given the same status to ‘Taiwan’ as a separate country in the name of democracy, and Speaker Pelosi has visited. During the visit, Pelosi was awarded an Order of Propitious Clouds with Special Grand Cordonaward by the ‘government’ of the so-called ‘Republic of China.’
Similarly, the US has been supporting and assisting Hong Kong’s separatist movement as a ‘democratic movement’. A clear vision of this emerged during the 2019 protests. Along with Hong Kong, the United States has recently been raising its voice regarding the “human rights of the Uyghur community in Xinjiang”. He has been establishing China as an opponent of human rights in the international world since he banned American officials in the name of human rights.
Another ‘card’ that America is using against China is the Tibet card. He has been continuously supporting the separatist group that carries the slogan of ‘Free Tibet’ in the name of ‘democracy, human rights, and religious freedom’.
The US is also creating various laws targeting China. When human rights are violated in their own country, the United States has failed to create adequate laws to protect them and has been creating laws against China in the name of human rights and democracy. The US Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, and the proposed Taiwan Policy Act of 2022 are examples of this.
Similarly, Hong Kong Policy Act, and Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act are the laws issued against China regarding the issue of Hong Kong. Uyghur Force Labor Prevention Act, and Uyghur Human Right Policy Act, are also examples of this.
Eyes on Tibet
Along with Hong Kong and Taiwan, America wants to separate Tibet from China. He has been supporting Tibetan separatists against the One China policy. Tibetan Policy Act 2002, Tibetan Policy and Support Act 2020 is the latest example. The Free Tibet Act 2020 submitted to the Parliament there, as well as the Tibet Independence Act 2021 submitted to the Parliament, provide for the recognition of Tibet as a separate nation.
With this bill, it can impose sanctions on Chinese leadership accusing illegally controlling Tibet, stating ‘including senior government officials, military leaders, and other persons, who the President determines are knowingly responsible for or complicit in, or have directly or indirectly engaged in, supporting the Chinese Communist Party’s illegal occupation of Tibet.’ The policy was recognizing Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) as the official government of Tibet as mentioned in the bill. This Bill gives the right to President to recognize Tibet as an independent country with the implementation of this Act. Similarly, it is also mentioned that the US president will invite Siqiong (head) of CityA on an official visit to the US within a year. This act is a double standard of the US toward the ‘One China Principle.
Likewise, Tibet Policy and Support Act 2020 supports the ‘so-called’ independent Tibet separatist. It has a huge investment on The Act has the provision of setting up an office of United States Special Coordinator For Tibetan Issues, the so-called special coordinator Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya had visited Nepal and India recently and meet with the Tibetan community here to promote separatist movement.
The office is authorized to budget of appropriated $1,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2021 through 2025. Similarly in name of ‘The Tibetan Scholarship Program appropriated $675,000 for each of the fiscal years 2021 through 2025 and ‘Ngawang Choephel Exchange Programs’ has a budget of $575,000 for each of the fiscal years 2021 through 2025.
In the Name of Humanitarian Assistance And Support To Tibetan Refugees In South Asia the US is investing huge amounts in Nepal and India. Likewise, $8,000,000 annually is appropriated to TAR. $6,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2021 through 2025 is allocated for programs to promote and preserve Tibetan culture and language development, the resilience of Tibetan communities in India and Nepal, and to assist in the education and development of the next generation of Tibetan leaders from such communities. $3,000,000 is directly invested in CTA. Media propaganda is spread through Voice Of America And Radio Free Asia. $3,344,000 to VOA and $4,060,000 for RFA are allocated.
Impact on Regional Peace and Stability
America, which considers itself to be the sole guarantor of democracy and human rights, has been interfering in the internal affairs of other countries one after the other. By continuing the Cold War mentality, America has affected the peace and stability of the countries of Europe and Central Asia through NATO. Now his focus is on the Asia Pacific region. With the slogan of a free and open Indo-Pacific region, he has proceeded with the idea of expanding his influence by increasing instability in the countries of the region. Its effect seems to be on small Asian countries like Nepal.
If China is broken, America’s ambition will be fulfilled. Dismembering China is an attack on peace and stability in the region. That is why the US seems to influence China’s neighbouring countries like Nepal. Recently MCC has been passed in Nepal. On the other hand, the US National Guard’s State Partnership Program wants to cause instability in China’s Tibet region by including Nepal in its military alliance. Similarly, instability is also spreading in Hong Kong and Taiwan. In this way, one after the other, the use of China’s neighboring countries against China has been prioritized.
In the end, if the bill registered in the House by MP Scott Perry is passed, it will recognize Tibet as an independent country. Accepting the ‘One China policy,’ America has been diplomatically considering Taiwan, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Macau as part of China. However, it has also been maintaining his relationship with three areas in parallel. With the establishment of diplomatic relations with China under the leadership of President Jimmy Carter in 1979, the US also closed its embassy in Taiwan.
Every year in the US, thousands of citizens are killed due to gunshots. People of color are being attacked daily. In this case, the US is not focused on formulating sufficient laws to control human rights violations within its own country. However, to encircle China, it makes laws in the name of Xinjiang. Makes laws related to Tibet by giving slogans of democracy and human rights. The US should first control human rights violations in its own country. There is also a difference in America’s definition of democracy and human rights. One definition in your country and another in another country? However, the legal system has been applied to these areas according to the recognition of independence. Its shows the double standard of the US on China.
The US’s recent acts impact regional peace and stability. Countries from this region should unite and counter this double standard and maintain regional peace and stability.
*The author is Diplomatic Correspondence at www.pahilopost.com, Kathmandu, Researcher at Pan-Himalayan Communication Research Center University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC).
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