This year’s flower show is dedicated to famous actors Rajkumar and Puneeth Rajkumar. The ten-day day flower show will be showcasing around 50 to 60 varieties of native flowers and some 50 varieties of global flowers. The show will also have 20 varieties of temperate flowers from Ooty, 27 varieties of flowers such as hydrangea, tulips, hypericum berry from 10 nations.
Bengaluru, the beautiful capital city of south Indian state of Karnataka, is also known as the Garden City. The city is home to a number of gardens and one of the most iconic gardens here is the Lalbagh Botanical Garden. On the occasion of the 75th year of Independence, the city has organised the Lal Bagh Flower Show that has already begun. But people are mostly waiting for the Independence Day special Lal Bagh Flower Show, which is expected to attract more than 10 to 15 lakh people!
This year’s flower show is dedicated to famous actors Rajkumar and Puneeth Rajkumar. The ten-day day flower show will be showcasing around 50 to 60 varieties of native flowers and some 50 varieties of global flowers. The show will also have 20 varieties of temperate flowers from Ooty, 27 varieties of flowers such as hydrangea, tulips, hypericum berry from 10 nations.
The show is special because it is being organised after two years. In a tweet shared by the Minister for Horticulture, Government of Karnataka Munirathna, showed several pretty photographs from his inspection visit to the botanical garden ahead of the show.
He tweeted, “Inspected the preparations for Lalbagh Flower Show themed on Karnataka Ratna Dr.Rajkumar and Dr.Puneeth Rajkumar. Horticulture department Chief Secretary Rajendra Kataria and other officials were present”.
Another very interesting thing about the show is that it is a zero-waste, zero-plastic, and zero-littering event! Which is so awesome!
Important information
Address: Lalbagh Botanical Garden, Mavalli, Bengaluru
Entry fee: Adults INR 80 (per person ticket on weekdays), INR 100 (per person on weekends) For kids below 12, the entry fee is INR 30 per person.
Source: indiatimes
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