On Saturday, Hyderabad FC announced Stake News as the Principal Sponsor for the upcoming season of the Indian Super League (ISL 2022-23). As part of the deal, the Stake News logo to feature on the front of the Hyderabad FC jersey.
Earlier this month, Mumbai City FC also signed Stake News as Principal Sponsor. Stake’s flagship sports and entertainment associations include a partnership with Canadian superstar, Drake, Everton FC in the English Premier League, Watford FC in the Championship and the UFC.
The brand also boasts an exciting roster of brand ambassadors including Manchester City legend Sergio Aguero and UFC stars Israel Adesanya, Jose Aldo and Alexa Grasso.
For Stake News, Akhil Sarin, Director of Acquisition said, “We are thrilled to become the Principal Sponsor of the reigning Indian Super League champions, Hyderabad FC. Like us, the club has achieved a massive amount in a short period of time and we can’t wait to see what the future brings for both parties. We look forward to an exciting season together as our reputation continues to grow in our respective industries.”
Varun Tripuraneni, Hyderabad FC co-owner, said, “We are delighted to welcome onboard one of the leading online sports news hubs in the country. Stake News is a prominent player in this market and this partnership will give us a chance to explore new opportunities and build meaningful campaigns, to try and make this a win-win for both brands. We hope that this is just the start of a much larger and fruitful association in the future.”
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