Ahead of the upcoming season of the Indian Super League (ISL 2023-24), Punjab FC have announced contract extensions for three of the young stars – Tekcham Abhishek Singh, Khaimin Lhungdim and Jaskaranvir Singh.
Also Check: ISL 2023-24 Transfer Live News and Updates
Defender Abhishek, midfielder Lhungdim and goalkeeper Jaskaranvir have all been handed three-year contracts that will keep the trio at the club till 2026 as Punjab FC aim to secure some of their top talents at the club for a longer period.
Also Check: ISL Transfers Window – All completed signings for ISL 2023-24
The north Indian side, Punjab FC became the first side to be promoted to the ISL and will be the 12th team competing in the league in the upcoming season.
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