Akshay Kumar, Kangana Ranaut, Ajay Devgn, and many more Bollywood stars shared their condolence for India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mother Hiraben demise. Watch entertainment videos.
PM Narendra Modi’s Mother Heeraben Modi passes away: India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mother passed away late Thursday night. The whole country is mourning the loss of its PM. Bollywood celebrities also took to social media to share their respect and condolences with Modi. Akshay wrote on Twitter, “There is no greater sorrow than losing a mother.” @narendramodi ji, may God grant you the strength to bear this grief. Om Shanti.” and actor Kangana Ranaut shared a picture of Modi’s mother Hiraben feeding Narendra Modi with her hand on her Instagram Stories. “May God give Narendra Modi ji patience and peace in this tough time. “Om Shanti,” she captioned the image. Let’s see who else has expressed their condolences. Watch entertainment videos.
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