One year after tying the knot with Sidharth Malhotra, Kiara Advani has at last disclosed the story of how she developed feelings for her Shershaah co-star. During a recent interview, Kiara opened up about her romantic journey with Sidharth and expressed that he has always made her feel a sense of comfort and belonging.
In a recent event of a news portal, Kiara said, “For me, he just felt like home. Everything I was with him, I just felt like I was home. That says a lot because I do come from a home where there is a lot of love, nurturing, and pampering, all of us to each other. It is such a fulfilling home that I come from that to feel the same thing with someone else, I just knew that this is it.”
When questioned about a specific moment when she realised Sidharth was the man she was searching for, Kiara expressed that there wasn’t a particular incident that triggered that feeling. She described the development of their relationship as natural and organic, emphasising her ability to balance personal and professional aspects of her life. Kiara stated that she is wholehearted in her approach, taking action when she desires something and dealing with the consequences as they come, managing everything else along the way.
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