Meghan Markle wore her best outfit to her birthday dinner with her husband Prince Harry. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were seen leaving the popular Italian restaurant Tre Lune in Montecito on August 2, ahead of Meghan’s 42nd birthday on August 4. The mom-of-two wore a strapless black and white dress with a pair of strappy black sandals. She held a clutch purse and had on minimal jewelry including gold hoop earrings and a few gold bracelets on her wrist. Meghan had her brunette hair slicked back with a few strands of her locks hanging in front of her face.
Meghan’s 38-year-old husband looked so handsome on the summer dinner date. Harry wore a blue shirt and unbuttoned the top two buttons to show some skin. He also had on a pair of white pants. Harry escorted his wife out of the restaurant and they were joined by their friend Matt Cohen, according to the Daily Mail. Matt is married to Meghan’s longtime friend Heather Dorak.
Meghan and Harry have been laying low this summer after making headlines in June for losing their $20 million deal with Spotify. That same month, they officially moved out of Frogmore Cottage in the UK, months after it was revealed they were being evicted. They lived in Frogmore before they moved to Southern California in 2020 after stepping down from their roles as senior royals.
Since making the move to California, Meghan and Harry — who share two children, Archie, 4, and Lilibet, 2 — have gone on to launch their own charity Archewell, aimed at driving systemic cultural change. The couple also produced and appeared in their own Netflix documentary Harry & Meghan, while Harry penned his first-ever memoir, Spare.
The couple is currently estranged from Harry’s family in the U.K., but they still scored invites to attend King Charles III‘s coronation in May. However, only Harry attended the event, as Meghan stayed home with the kids, and he didn’t pose for photos on the Buckingham Palace balcony with his relatives. Harry was reportedly in London for just 24 hours to make the appearance before dashing home to make Archie’s fourth birthday.
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