Apple’s flagship tablet has been due for an update for quite some time. Last year, the iPad Pro received arguably the biggest upgrade in its entire history. The 2021 lineup saw the implementation of the M1 chipset (a full-fledged, desktop-class SoC) and the bigger 12.9” model in particular received a gorgeous mini-LED panel.
Some one and a half years have passed since then, however, and, given Apple’s consistency with regards to refresh cycles, an update was expected before the end of 2022. It seems that the announcement is just around the corner.
Mark Gurman, the final authority on all Apple-related leaks, confirmed last Saturday, in the latest edition of his Power On newsletter, that the 2022 iPad Pro is only “days away” and asserted that an announcement would take place before the end of this week.
Now, it seems that Gurman is certain that the new iPad Pro will be revealed today (Tuesday, October 18th). The information was first brought forward in a tweet by Gurman himself.
It should be noted that the announcement will be taking place via an official press release, as Apple is unlikely to hold another dedicated launch event before the end of 2022. This implies that the 2022 iPad Pro will be an incremental update over its predecessor.
For reference, the biggest new addition is going to be the M2 chipset. The M2 processor will increase the performance of the new iPads by about 20%, which is unlikely to make much of a difference in day-to-day use, especially in the context of iPadOS.
There are also rumors that the new models could support new charging capabilities, and possibly reverse wireless charging. Major design tweaks are not expected, barring the possible enlargement of the Apple logo on the back (in order to facilitate MagSafe compatibility).
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