“The digital world has never been as exciting as it is now,” said Markus Beckedahl at the opening of the 23rd re:publica in Berlin. In the view of the co-founder of the Conference for the Digital Society, this is a positive development, but one that raises questions, too: “What kind of digital world do we want to live in? How can we ensure it will be sustainable? How can we combine the two great transformations of our time – digitalisation and the fight against climate change?”
This promises plenty of material discussion at the three-day event. Lasting until 7 June, the title of this re:publica is “CASH” – not in the sense of profit, but with a view to the importance of money in connection with global development. The programme focuses on how current crises are linked to the financial markets and calls for innovative solutions to be arrived at and funded.
Interested parties from politics, the private sector, the media and non-governmental organisations will be meeting in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district, along with activists and people who work in the areas of art and culture. In panel discussions, meet-ups and workshops, they will be discussing social developments and joining forces to search answers to the big questions facing us today – and not just digital ones. “We need the global spirit of re:publica,” said Chancellor Olaf Scholz during his appearance at the 2022 conference.
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