NEW ULM — As the spring weather become more favorable for outdoor activities, the New Ulm Bicycle Group is planning a group ride Saturday, May 14.
Participants meet at the New Ulm Recreation Center, 122 S. Garden St. for a pre-ride meeting at 9:45 a.m. The ride will explore New Ulm’s hilltop and Martin Luther College and is less than 10 miles.
“We’re always looking for more (bicycle) enthusiasts. There are no dues,” said New Ulm Park and Recreation Director Tom Schmitz.
For more information on the group and 2022 ride calendar, visit the New Ulm Bicycle Group on Facebook. Like and follow for ride and club posts.
In case of rain greater than a light drizzle, the ride will be canceled. The group recommends participants wear appropriate safety gear including a helmet, lights and reflective clothing.
The New Ulm Bicycle Group meets at 5 p.m. on the third Sunday of the month at tne New Ulm Civic Center. Meeting topics include improving and maintaining bicycle-friendly aspects of New Ulm, bicycle awareness, trail quality, street policy for bicycle safety, access and ride safety.
The New Ulm Chamber of Commerce website features a map of New Ulm’s 13-mile bicycle circle route that includes several rest areas. The map is also available at the New Ulm Visitors Center.
Heart of New Ulm bike racks are located throughout the city. There are also designated safe walking routes in New Ulm.
New Ulm Community Education has a fleet of 15 bikes and an enclosed trailer available for rent by community groups such as Scouts, childcare and summer programs and faith groups.
In 2017, the City of New Ulm received the Bronze Level Designation by the League of American Bicyclists.
May is also bike month. The League of American Bicyclists invites riders to form or join a team, register and pedal to the top of leaderboards and win prizes including a new bike worth $1,500.
An event calendar includes Minnesota rides and events. Follow The Bike Month Challenge at and on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
In addition, LAB is organizing Bike to Work Week May 16-22, with Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 20.
For more information, visit
(Fritz Busch can be emailed at
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