Nuremberg (dpa) – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz intends to remain in contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying that he has also spoken to him since the start of the war. “And I plan to do so again soon,” he said at the 38th Congress of the Protestant Church in Nuremberg. Scholz added that a precondition for a “fair peace” was that Russia withdraw its troops: “That is what has to be understood.” Previously, the chancellor had outlined the principles of his policy since the beginning of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, explaining that the war must be prevented from escalating. “It was and is right for us to proceed in a coordinated manner in all of our actions.” Above all, however, he said that borders in Europe must not be changed by force and that no country is within the sphere of influence of another.
Protestants in Germany meet every two years at the Congress to discuss questions of faith and society. This year, around 100,000 participants have come to Nuremberg.
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