The much-awaited Pathaan trailer was finally released today and as expected it has wreaked havoc on social media. Fans are all the more excited as only a number of days are remaining for the film to hit the theatres. Various stars have taken to social media to applaud the film’s high-octane action sequences and killer visuals. One of them was Ram Charan who took to social media and showered praises on the same. He launched the Telugu trailer for the same and tweeted saying, “Wishing the whole team of #Pathaan all the very best! @iamsrk Sir looking fwd to seeing you in action sequences like never before!”
Shah Rukh Khan, as gracious as he is, responded back lovingly saying, “Thank u so much my Mega Power Star @alwaysramcharan. When ur RRR team brings Oscar to India, please let me touch it!! (Mee RRR team Oscar ni intiki tecchinappudu okkasaari nannu daanini touch cheyyanivvandi! ) Love you.”
It is truly endearing to watch two superstars motivate each other so wholeheartedly and it has won over the internet already.
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