New London Public Schools notified families that students may not attend athletic events without a parent or guardian present, with whom they must sit. (“New London sets rules for spectators as fallout from basketball game scuffle,” Feb. 8)
The administration, after failing to provide any sort of trained and identified security personnel at these events, is now punishing all children of the school for the actions of a few. The inability of district leadership to put together any sort of sensical plan is sadly, not surprising. The superintendent attended Saturday’s boys’ basketball game, sat on her laptop the entire time, completely disengaged from the students competing before her. To make matters worse, 10 feet from where she was sitting, a player was taken out on a stretcher — and she continued, with her back turned on her laptop. She then left before the game ended while the outcome was unknown, the players more emotional and the crowd more vocal. She does not care about our children and her actions continue to support this claim.
New London Board of Education, do your job and find a leader that cares.
Holly McCalla
New London
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