Bengaluru. On June 21, the Maratha Light Infantry Regimental Centre observed International Yoga Day at Belagavi, with a series of activities and sessions aimed at promoting holistic health through YOGA. The event was conducted with fervor and enthusiasm and highlighted the importance of yoga in promoting physical and mental well-being.
The event, commenced with an inaugural session by the Brig Joydip Mukherjee, The Commandant who emphasized the significance of yoga in maintaining physical fitness and enhancing mental resilience. Soldiers and their families enthusiastically participated in various yoga asanas and meditation exercises, demonstrating their commitment to adopting healthy lifestyles. The opportunity was also exploited to introduce and spread awareness of Yoga to the school children where in Yoga sessions were conducted at APS, Belagavi School.
The sessions covered a wide range of yoga practices, including Hatha yoga, Pranayama, and meditation techniques, providing attendees with a comprehensive understanding of yoga’s multifaceted benefits including its stress-relieving properties, offering them practical tools to manage stress and maintain resilience in their daily lives.
The Indian Army remains committed to promoting health and wellness initiatives among its personnel and their families. Events like the International Yoga Day celebration serve as a testament to the Armys’ dedication towards fostering a healthy and resilient community.
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