Authorities have already had to slaughter thousands of cattle and strict measures to control the epidemic are in place in both countries.
More than 2,000 cows must be destroyed on a farm in northern Hungary, where several animals have become infected with foot-and-mouth disease.
Due to the outbreak, which affects pigs, cattle, sheep and goats, Hungarian authorities have set up a two-tier security zone around the farm, where strict restrictions are in place and the control of backyard livestock is recommended.
The outbreak in Levél is the second in the country this month, with 1,600 animals slaughtered in Kisbajcs a few weeks ago.
Central Europe has been clear of the disease for over 50 years, but it reappeared in January in Germany’s Brandenburg region.
New cases have since emerged in Hungary and Slovakia, with four epicentres in southern Slovakia near the southern border and two in Hungary.
Both countries implemented a series of measures to contain the spread of the disease: a three-kilometre radius protection zone around the centres of epidemic and a 10-kilometre observation zone where livestock health is monitored.
Moving animals has also been banned and Hungarian authorities have prohibited hunting in Győr-Moson county.
Slovakia has shut minor border crossing points and set up disinfection gates at larger ones.
The slaughter of the infected livestock and how to get rid of tons of potentially infectious cadavers also poses a challenge to authorities.
Both governments have faced criticism: Hungary for putting down over 1,500 cows near Bábolna, concerning locals, and Slovakia for moving carcasses around in open trucks, locals told Euronews.
Slovak authorities deny these claims.
The 2,300 cattle in Levél are being vaccinated in order to stop the animals from spreading the virus until they are exterminated, which may take the better part of a week.
Slovakia obliges, Hungary advises
There is a marked difference in how the two governments are handling livestock within the radius zones near the epicentres.
Slovakia exterminates any animal susceptible to the disease, while Hungary emphatically “advises” owners to slaughter them.
“Livestock farmers are encouraged to slaughter their livestock in their own backyard, they can do this by notifying the authorities in advance, a blood sample will be taken from the animals, if this confirms the absence of the virus, the presence of the virus is excluded, then the meat of the animals can be used and consumed,” the chief veterinarian officer of Hungary, Szabolcs Pásztor, told Euronews.
Locals near Levél said that as far as they understand it, the measure is so well-advised that it is compulsory.
In Slovakia, the slaughter of healthy animals within the three-kilometer zone sparked outrage in the region where smaller livestock are more widespread.
Locals organised several protests, asking authorities to allow the quarantine and testing of healthy animals within the protection zone.
Euronews was present at one of the demonstrations in Lúcs.
Slovakia blames the EU
The government of Robert Fico has blamed the European Union, saying that the slaughter of livestock is compulsory under EU law.
In reality, it is a recommendation by an international veterinary body that the EU acknowledges but does not impose on national governments.
The real reason behind such harsh measures is that third countries can ban exports from infected countries based on the success of the handling of the epidemic, which could deeply affect the agriculture sector.
While compensation is paid in both countries to livestock owners, farmers say it does not cover all damages, nor compensate for the emotional damage of seeing animals exterminated in hurried circumstances.
This can lead to disturbing scenes when pet animals are also taken. One man told Euronews at the demonstration that his daughter’s cow, its calf and her piglet were shot by a hunter.
“They shot the piglet three times until it stayed down”, he said in shock. “And it was still whining when they put it in the car.”
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