Celebrating the miracle of life is a matter of who’s at Univision, as the network´s midday news team showcased. Minutes after validating abortion as a birth control method during a report about selling contraceptive pills over the counter, “now that abortion is not an option”, anchors Borja Voces and Carolina Sarassa, enlightened their audiences with the ‘marvelous story’ of how Ian Alejandro Rubey, a 31-year old woman transitioning as a male, got pregnant without “affecting his masculinity”.
Watch as Sarassa attempts to normalize the moment when a bearded, pregnant ´they´ first listened to the babies´ heartbeats.
Noticiero Edición Digital
BORJA VOCES: He is a science teacher and he is 31 years old; he is- listen to this- pregnant with twins. I’m talking about Ian Alejandro; is a transgender man who some time ago discovered that he wanted to procreate a family.
SARASSA: You are already 33 weeks pregnant and at any time your little ones can be born. Tell me, and please transport yourself to that moment when you arrived at the doctor and they confirmed that you were pregnant. The first time you could see that heart beating-, well it was two hearts. What was it like when you realized that it had worked (the fertility treatment)?
The 5-minute plus report about ´the Digital Twins´, as Sarassa warmly called the 33-week-old babies, pondered on all the details; will it be a C-section or natural birth? What if they come sooner? Do they already have names? Have you had many challenges?
While Voces closed the feature lauding Univision´s “inclusive reporting”, we would love to see real inclusion, as in stories of babies saved from abortion thanks to the SCOTUS decision to overide Roe v. Wade- delivered, of course, with the same degree of awe and admiration.
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