No foul
11′ Eli Dasa receives the ball from Tronstad on the right side and crosses to Loïs Openda. The striker falls in the box and calls for a penalty, but the referee doesn’t award a penalty. Rui Patrício keeps the ball.
Rui Patrício saves
7′ Wittek comes forward from the left side and crosses. Loïs Openda gets in a great save from Rui Patrício, who is stretched to keep out the goal.
Yellow card
6′ Viña, Roma left-back. Dasa is fouled.
Vitesse attacks
3′ Mkhitaryan loses the ball in midfield, Domgjoni receives it, enters the area and rolls it to Grbić to finish, but his shot is blocked by Maitland-Niles.
Are you ready?
Referees and players of both teams are on the pitch.
Players are on the pitch for the final warm-up.
Vitesse substitutes
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How to watch Vitesse vs Roma live stream on TV and internet?
What time is Vitesse vs Roma match for the UEFA Europa Conference League?
Possible line-up of Roma
Possible line-up of Vitesse
Match background and previous meetings
The match will be played at the GelreDome Stadium
The Vitesse vs Roma match will be played at the GelreDome Stadium, in Arnhem, Netherlands. The sports venue has the capacity to receive 25,000 fans.
Welcome to the’s coverage of the 2021-22 UEFA Europa Conference League match Vitesse vs Roma Live Updates
My name is Tainan Melo, and I will be your host for this game. We will provide you with pre-game analysis, score updates, and news as it happens live here on VAVEL.
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