Hera Pheri starring Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal, which was released in 2000, is getting its third instalment. Filming for Hera Pheri 3 is set to begin soon. Now, Athiya Shetty has shared her thoughts about the comedy film franchise.
In an interview with a leading news portal, Athiya spoke about her father Suniel Shetty’s much-anticipated film Hera Pheri 3, which will also see Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal reprising their roles.
Athiya expressed her admiration for the franchise and mentioned that she is “excited”. While she is uncertain about the release date, she believes that it will be fantastic, just like everyone else.
Athiya Shetty, who recently walked the ramp at a fashion event, discussed her father’s fashion sense and expressed her admiration for the fact that he doesn’t conform to trends. She further revealed that she has always looked up to him for his style and fashion choices. According to Athiya, her father has never been one to follow the latest fashion trends.
The casting for Hera Pheri 3 has been a topic of discussion, but it has now been confirmed that the three main leads will return in the comedy caper. Suniel Shetty had earlier mentioned that since the characters remain the same, the story does not require a dramatic leap. Shetty also expressed that the script is excellent and it takes the audience on an emotional journey, showcasing the struggles of Baburao, Shyam, and Raju.
Hera Pheri 3 also stars Sanjay Dutt in a pivotal role.
See Also: Paresh Rawal expresses nervousness about Hera Pheri 3 and Welcome to the Jungle
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