Previously, the sale of consumer fireworks was legal from Oct. 24 to 30, and use was unrestricted on private property on Halloween night
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Port Moody council has unanimously voted to ban all firework sales and require permits for any use of fireworks, starting Nov. 1, 2023.
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“Fireworks are unregulated and uncontrolled. It is becoming much more challenging to enforce and manage for the simple reason of one’s ability to purchase fireworks online,” said Kirk Heaven, Port Moody’s deputy fire chief.
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Previously, the sale of consumer fireworks were legal from Oct. 24 to 30, and their use was unrestricted on private property on Halloween night.
Port Moody, West Vancouver, and the District of North Vancouver are the only communities in the Lower Mainland that allow fireworks sale and use. Burnaby, New Westminster and Port Coquitlam allow their use but not sales, while 12 other municipalities have an outright ban.
Heaven said the fire and police departments are inundated with emails, phone calls, and social media posts voicing concern over the use of fireworks every October.
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These concerns include public safety, environmental impacts, destruction of property and the policy contradicting the principals of a Fire Smart Community.
Heaven said that due to climate change, the fire danger rating was high until Oct. 20 in 2022, and it is likely a continuing environmental trend.
Approximately 50 per cent of dogs are fearful of the explosions. Fireworks can also cause significant stress for people with PTSD, Heaven said. He added the chemical debris left behind can cause environmental har, and even death for a pet or wild animal that ingests it.
Teenagers and adolescents represent the largest proportion of firework injuries from 2011 to 2019, according to figures from the Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program. Burns and eye injuries to the head are the most common, followed by fingers and hands, with 73 per cent of injuries needing medical treatment and 11 per cent requiring admission to hospital.
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Heaven said while it is still easy to purchase fireworks online, which doesn’t require any proof of licence or permit, cracking down on local sales was a “great start.”
Coun. Kyla Knowles said it was time for Port Moody to catch up with its more progressive neighbours on the issue, adding many residents had been asking for a change.
“I love fireworks. But this is one of those things, I feel like in 25 years, we’re gonna look back and go, ‘Wow, I cannot believe that there used to be no restrictions,”‘ Knowles said.
The BC SPCA has also been calling for a policy change for a long time, Coun. Amy Lubik noted, adding air quality plummets on Halloween.
Port Moody Police Chief Dave Fleugel said he didn’t foresee any major issue with his officers enforcing the new rules, stating they always ramp up enforcement and resources on Halloween.
“I think the goal in this one is going to be the sales,” Fleugel said. “If we don’t have a lot of sales, then we shouldn’t have a lot of people breaching the bylaws.”
Patrick Penner is a Local Journalism Initiative reporter with the Tri-Cities Dispatch. The Local Journalism Initiative is funded by the Government of Canada.
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